10 Study Tips for Nursing Students

Nursing school is hard to survive for students. Getting through the course is the most difficult challenge for a nursing student.  

The usual study tricks won’t do in nursing school. As what they say, nursing school is ten times harder than the usual.

So, here are tips and guides for nursing students to help them on their journey to passing through nursing school.

  1. Form your own learning style. Different people have different system use to apprehend easier a lesson. Know which suits you best. Does it have to be accompanied with pictures most of the time? Or you just need to listen to it being talked by others?
  2. Practice good study habits. Be prepared whenever you come to class. Study in advance any reading materials assigned. This will help nursing student understand the materials and help retain some of the information in their mind as well.
  3. Come to class and focus on the lecture.  Since you have paid a lot to attend nursing school, might as well show up so you wouldn’t miss any important lessons. Also, be sure to take notes. Often than not, any topics highlighted or covered by the instructor on the class would be included on the next exam. So watch out for it.
  4. Don’t be afraid to participate. Never hesitate to ask questions to your professor when there’s something you just don’t get. Speaking up will help you learn more. Try to ask why it should be like that or how it could be apply to when you are treating your patients. Approach them too if you are struggling to any part of the lesson. Trust them for they are trained to listen and help.
  5. Do not cram. Study a little every now and then. Study one at a time. You can review your notes before going to bed or while having snacks with colleagues. Never cram to study a week’s lesson in a few hours only. You’ll tend to forget things more than remember the key points your professor lectured.
  6. Have a study buddy. Learning is much fun and easier when you have a partner or group to study with. This way each of you can impart ideas on the lessons taken.
  7. Make the NCLEX review book your guide too. Base your studies to the NCLEX exam so you’ll be familiarize on the subject areas you need to focus. This will also help you prepare for the major exam in the future.
  8. Be organized. Keep track of when assignments are due and so with your daily tasks. This will also help you manage your time effectively. See to it that you’ll be able to finish and submit your assignments on time.
  9. Volunteer during breaks or summer. Working on hospitals or any healthcare institution settings will not only add to your credentials but will also give you first-hand experience of what your job will be when you finish nursing school.
  10. Take care of yourself. It is indeed exhausting in nursing school. It will drain all your strength and energy. But don’t forget to eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, have fun and relax. Studying all the time will only get you overwhelmed and may trigger for you to lose interest in nursing. 


It takes more than commitment and dedication to finish nursing school. It is difficult to be a nursing student, but don’t forget to remind yourself that you can do it.



 Published at: 02/26/2016